Walk Humbly With Your God...

"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" (Micah 6:8)

The above verse was referenced in a sermon that I heard yesterday. As I was walking today, I thought about it again. It was a reminder to me of how we as Christians are called to live our lives daily. We are called to pray to our Heavenly Father, and read His Word. It is those two blessings, prayer and Scripture, that should motivate and guide how we live out our faith. We are called to "good works." As James tells us in Chapter 2 verse 18, "...someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works." This walk has been both rewarding and challenging. It has pushed my limits many days. However, I know that no matter how hard it is somedays, my struggles are minor compared to so many around the world. There are so many women that face challenges, many of us will never be confronted with. They need a safe place to heal. They need a place where the Hope of the Gospel will be proclaimed. They need the Emmanuel Home. This home will be a tangible example of Jesus' love, and will allow Christian Adoption Services to serve and love birthmothers in a way they have been praying for, but have been unable to. Yet, God has been faithful, and by your prayers and support, these prayers are being answered.

After around 25 more miles today, I am about 24 miles from the goal of 600 miles. I will begin tomorrow from the city of High Point, and make my way to Thomasville. I truly cannot tell you how much your prayers and support have meant to me and my family. Thank you so much. Let us finish well, this journey together.

Lauren Hyatt