The Lord Has Prepared Our Path

"He covers the heavens with clouds; he prepares rain for the earth; he makes grass grow on the hills." (Psalm 147:8)

This morning, I got a late start due to some bad weather, but thankfuly I was able to hike 22 miles and complete Segment 8 of the Mountains to Sea Trail, ending today in Hanging Rock State Park just outside of Danbury.

Something that my wife reminded me of today was that fact of how blessed we are as believers, in the fact that we understand that God is in control, and even when things do not go according to our plans, we can trust that the Lord has us right where He wants us, if we are diligently seeking to follow His will for our lives. How wonderful and freeing it is to know that the Lord has already prepared our path. We are called to walk according to His direction.

Today, I completed mile 531 and Leg 7 of this journey. Tomorrow I will begin the final leg of my trek South to Thomasville and the Emmanuel Home. Thank you all so much for your continued prayers for our family and the ministry of Christian Adoption Services.

Lauren Hyatt