Lasting Significance

"for β€œAll flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever.” And this word is the good news that was preached to you." (1 Peter 1:24-25)

The weather report showed about an 80 percent chance of rain today as a cold front is moving into the area, but thankfully the weather held off long enough for me to get a little over 21 more miles completed today. Putting me over the 500 mile mark

As I was hiking today, the Lord placed on my heart the burden of the lost, and the need to be obedient daily in what He places before me. I started my hike from the town of Summerfield in Guilford County, and finished in the town of Walnut Cove in Stokes County. Again, today I walked along the Haw River. However, this time I was close to the headwaters, and at this point, it was no longer the broad river I remembered from about a week ago. It was now a small stream. Something so small, would downstream become a powerful river. It made me think, am I wisely using all the opportunities that the Lord puts before me daily. Am I being Christ-centered or self-centered? Life on this earth is short, and only what we do for the Lord will be of any lasting significance once we have left this earth. We must daily be obedient to the Holy Spirit's leading. We are not called to save, but we are called to proclaim the Gospel. We never know how the Lord will use our obedience. From one gospel seed, the Lord may choose, to draw many people to Himself. We may sometimes think our obedience yields little fruit, and we may never see the results of our labor in our lifetime. Yet, when like the grass, we fade into history, we must remember that, "...the word of the Lord remains forever." As believers, may we be remembered as ones that preached the Good News. Let us plant the seed of Hope, and trust the Lord to give it the growth. Turning our little "stream" efforts into a mighty "river" of life, for His Glory.

Please pray that the Lord will use the Emmanuel Home to touch and restore many lives for His Glory and His Kingdom.

Lauren Hyatt