Set Free

"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." (John 8:36)

Today I was able to hike 19 miles and finish Segment 9 of the Mountains to Sea Trail, ending today at Bryan Park in the Northern part of Greensboro, and having now completed 466 miles of this 600 mile journey. Thankfully the weather they were calling for held off long enough for me to finish what I needed to today.

One of the interesting things I walked through today was Guilford County Farm. This is an old prison farm, that now has trails that anyone can hike. It struck me today as I saw the buildings still there, but apparently empty of prisoners, how I was once a prisoner and a slave to sin, and how because of God's grace and mercy, I too have been set free from the bondage of sin and death. I pray that I will never get over what Christ has done for me, and that my life would be one of thanksgiving and praise to Him.

Lauren Hyatt