Halfway There!

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Today I completed the last 9 miles of the leg from Kinston to Rocky Mount. As I arrived at the Christian Adoption Services office, I was greeted by family and friends from church. It has been such a blessing to know so many people have been praying for you, and sending you words of encouragement. Today, I also crossed over the halfway point on this journey, 303 Miles completed. This walk has been both a joy and a challenge at times. There have been days where the Lord has brought things to my attention, and there have been days where honestly, it was tough and grueling.

When I first started this walk a couple of weeks ago, 600 miles seemed a very daunting task. However, as I look back on the first 303 miles, I am reminded of something my son says often when we go hiking. Throughout a hike he will stop, and say, "daddy, look how far we have come." I have thought about that saying often these past two weeks. When I am tired and the road looks long, I will turn around and say, look how far, by God's grace and favor, I have come. I have thought about how life is like that. As Christians, we are not promised a life of ease. Also, we do not always know God's plan. We are to trust that He has a plan, and take the path He places before us, one step at a time. And, if we will take time to pause to look at all the Lord has brought us through, we can trust that, which He has called us to, He will guide us through it, and see it to completion. If we will trust in Him, He will make straight our paths. For His glory and our greater good.

Lauren Hyatt